Cryptokek is a ethereum based token with great tokenomics. The main focus currently is the dAPP which is a universal token explorer.
I was introduced to Cryptokek through Peter, the marketing mastermind behind the project. I found myself getting along with the team and soon joined to help with UI/UX decisions. The main focus of my work consists of their dAPP, an incredible token explorer. Working with a great front-end developer, Iain, we are constantly creating new functionally for the app. I started mocking basic user experiences and what the user
After creating a basic UX mockup, I jumped right into FIGMA to start building out some of those ideas. This time for a much higher fidelity mockup. A lot of our styling was built using React so I tried to keep focused on other important elements like spacing, typography, iconography, and composition. There is a very difficult challenge of designing pieces for a modular dAPP. Every box is a widget that can be resized and move around. I created a grid system so that we could implement these ideas in the design stage rather than the development stage. Saving us time, we are constantly finding new systems that work and don’t work. Another large challenge was to create a dynamic searching system which is shown in the second picture. This is stylized for mobile as well.
Cryptokeks audience is an extremely specific case. The name derives itself from World of Warcraft and like most in crypto, they are the geek stereotype. A majority of users come from /biz/ and /r/cryptomoonshots. Appealing to this audience is challenging but at the same time really fun because I love the genre. As we continue to develop the application, we will implement more and more designs based around this audience. Hopefully including some great RPG elements to gamify our application.